Lice in the Digital Age: How Screen Time Impacts Infestation Rates

In today’s digital age, children are spending more time than ever glued to screens—whether it’s smartphones, tablets, computers, or gaming consoles. While technology has transformed the way we live and learn, it has also brought about unexpected consequences, including a rise in lice infestation rates. In this blog post, we’ll explore the correlation between increased screen time and lice infestations, and provide practical tips for parents to mitigate the risk in a digital world.

The Connection Between Screen Time and Lice Infestations:

As children spend hours engrossed in digital devices, they often engage in behaviors that increase the risk of lice transmission. Here are some ways screen time impacts infestation rates:

  1. Close Head-to-Head Contact: Whether playing multiplayer video games, watching videos together on a tablet, or huddling around a smartphone to take selfies, screen time often involves close physical proximity and frequent head-to-head contact. This close contact provides lice with ample opportunities to transfer from one person to another.
  2. Decreased Awareness of Personal Space: In virtual communication, children may become less conscious of personal space boundaries, especially when engrossed in online chats, video calls, or multiplayer games. This lack of awareness can lead to unintentional head-to-head contact and facilitate lice transmission among peers.
  3. Sedentary Behavior: Excessive screen time is often associated with sedentary behavior, as children remain seated for extended periods while using digital devices. Reduced physical activity can contribute to increased sweating and oil production on the scalp, creating an optimal environment for lice to thrive.


Practical Tips for Mitigating the Risk of Lice Infestations:


While it may be challenging to limit screen time entirely, there are several steps parents can take to reduce the risk of lice infestations in a digital world:

  1. Implement Screen Time Limits: Set reasonable limits on the amount of time children spend on screens each day. Encourage alternative activities such as reading, outdoor play, or creative hobbies to balance screen time with offline pursuits.
  2. Encourage Outdoor Play: Encourage children to spend more time outdoors engaging in physical activities and exploration. Outdoor play not only reduces screen time but also minimizes opportunities for lice transmission through close contact.
  3. Promote Good Hygiene Habits: Emphasize the importance of regular hair washing and grooming to maintain a clean and healthy scalp. Teach children to avoid sharing personal items such as hats, hairbrushes, and headphones, which can harbor lice and spread infestations.
  4. Educate About Lice Prevention: Talk to children about the importance of lice prevention and how to recognize the signs of infestation. Teach them to avoid head-to-head contact with peers, especially during activities that involve sharing screens or personal devices.


As technology continues to shape our daily lives, it’s essential for parents to be mindful of the impact of screen time on lice infestation rates. By understanding the connection between increased screen time and lice transmission, and implementing practical strategies to mitigate the risk, parents can help safeguard their children’s health and well-being in a digital world. Let’s strike a balance between screen time and healthy habits to ensure a lice-free future for our children.

Bald Men and Head Lice: Debunking Myths and Understanding Risks

When it comes to head lice, the popular perception is that these tiny critters have an affinity for lush, abundant hair. But what about bald people? Are they immune to the infestation that plagues so many heads? And do balding heads provide a less hospitable environment for these pests? This blog aims to shed light on the curious case of bald people and head lice, debunking myths and clarifying facts along the way.

What are Head Lice?

Before delving into the specifics of baldness and lice, it’s essential to understand what head lice are. These tiny, wingless insects feed on human blood and are usually found on the scalp. Female lice lay eggs, known as nits, that attach to hair strands near the scalp.

The Bald Truth: Can Bald People Get Head Lice?

Less Likely, But Not Impossible

Contrary to popular belief, bald people are not entirely immune to head lice. While it’s true that lice have a preference for attaching their eggs to hair strands, they can still survive on a bald scalp for a short time by clinging onto the small amount of hair or fuzz most bald people still have. However, sustaining an infestation becomes significantly harder for the lice without sufficient hair.

No Hair, Fewer Hiding Spots

A bald or nearly-bald scalp offers fewer places for lice to hide and lay their eggs, making detection and removal much easier compared to a head full of hair.

Lice Transmission: How Bald People Could Still be Affected

  1. Contact with Infested People: Physical contact with a lice-infested person can transfer some lice to a bald person’s scalp.
  2. Sharing Personal Items: Lice can also be transmitted through sharing combs, hats, or headphones.

Precautions for Bald People

  1. Avoid Head-to-Head Contact: Particularly in settings where lice infestations are common, like schools or summer camps where they may be in close contact with children.
  2. Be Cautious with Shared Items: Be vigilant about using shared items that have touched someone else’s scalp.
  3. Routine Checks: Periodically inspect your scalp for signs of lice or nits. A magnifying glass may be helpful for this.
  4. Immediate Treatment: If you notice any lice, consult a healthcare provider for appropriate treatment, which could include topical insecticides or natural remedies.

FAQs: Addressing Common Misconceptions

  1. Are bald people immune to lice?
    No, they are just less likely to sustain a long-term infestation.
  2. Can lice live on body hair?
    Head lice are specifically adapted to live on the scalp, but there are different types of lice that can infest body hair.
  3. Are lice a sign of poor hygiene?
    No, lice can infest anyone, regardless of their cleanliness.


While it’s less common for bald people to have a sustained infestation of head lice, they are not entirely immune to these parasites. Being proactive about prevention is key to avoiding a lice problem, no matter how much hair you have—or don’t have. Always consult a lice removal specialist, like ours, for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options. Here’s to staying lice-free, whether you’re bald or not!


Back to School: A Parent’s Guide to Keeping Kids Healthy and Head Lice-Free


As the new school year is upon us, it’s not just books, pencils, and school uniforms on a parent’s checklist. Keeping your child healthy and lice-free is another significant concern, given that schools are a common breeding ground for germs and little critters like head lice. This comprehensive guide will help you prepare your kids to go back to school in the healthiest way possible, while also providing effective strategies to avoid a head lice infestation.


Immunization and Health Check-ups

Why It’s Important:

Starting the school year off with a full health check-up ensures that your child is up-to-date with their vaccinations and is generally in good health.

What You Can Do:

  • Schedule a physical exam with your pediatrician.
  • Ensure that all vaccinations are current.
  • Discuss any concerns about your child’s health, sleep patterns, and nutrition.

Nutrition and Hydration

Why It’s Important:

A balanced diet boosts your child’s immune system, making them less susceptible to illnesses.

What You Can Do:

  • Pack a nutritious lunch with a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
  • Include a refillable water bottle to encourage hydration throughout the day.

Sleep Routines

Why It’s Important:

Lack of sleep can affect concentration, mood, and overall well-being.

What You Can Do:

  • Establish a consistent bedtime routine.
  • Ensure that children get at least 8-10 hours of sleep per night, depending on their age.

Hand Hygiene

Why It’s Important:

Proper hand hygiene is crucial for avoiding the spread of germs.

What You Can Do:

  • Teach kids to wash their hands regularly, especially before eating and after using the bathroom.
  • Pack hand sanitizer in their backpack for times when soap and water are unavailable.

Head Lice Prevention

Why It’s Important:

Schools are common places for the transmission of head lice, especially among younger children who may have closer physical contact during play.

What You Can Do:

  • Encourage your children to avoid head-to-head contact.
  • Teach them not to share items like combs, hats, and headphones.
  • Consider using a preventative lice repellent spray, but consult a healthcare provider for recommendations.

Routine Checks:

  • Conduct weekly checks using a fine-tooth comb to inspect for lice and nits.
  • If lice are found, consult a professional head lice removal specialist for treatment options and inform the school to help prevent the spread.

Physical Activity

Why It’s Important:

Regular exercise keeps the immune system robust and helps in mental well-being.

What You Can Do:

  • Encourage your child to take part in school sports or other physical activities.
  • Limit screen time to ensure that they have ample time for active play.

Stress Management

Why It’s Important:

Stress can weaken the immune system and make children more susceptible to illness.

What You Can Do:

  • Teach simple relaxation techniques like deep breathing.
  • Provide a supportive environment for them to discuss their fears or worries.


Sending your kids back to school shouldn’t have to be a health gamble. Taking a proactive role in their well-being can make all the difference. With proper nutrition, hygiene, sleep, and preventative care, you can ensure that your child has a healthy, happy, and lice-free school!

Cleaning Your Home After a Head Lice Infestation: A Comprehensive Guide

Discovering that one of your loved ones has head lice can be a distressing experience. After successfully treating the affected individual and checking other family members, it’s important to take additional cleaning measures to prevent the further spread of lice throughout your home. In this article, we will provide you with a guide on how to treat your home for lice.


How to Treat Your Home for Lice


Disinfect Hairbrushes and Combs

Start by boiling a kettle of water. Remove any hair that is stuck in the brushes and combs, and then soak them in the hot water for approximately two minutes. You can also add a disinfectant to the water for enhanced cleaning. Afterward, use tongs to remove the combs and brushes from the water and place them on a mat to dry, preferably under the sun. For accessories like earrings, phones, headphones, and glasses that come into contact with hair, wipe them down thoroughly with soap and water.


Use the Dryer for Linens and Blankets

Unlike washing, water alone does not suffocate head lice, so there’s no need to wash linens and blankets. Instead, set your dryer to high heat and place all linens, blankets, clothing, jackets, towels, pillowcases, and comforters worn in the past 48 hours inside for about 30 to 45 minutes. This heat treatment will effectively eliminate any lice or nits. 


However, delicate items such as helmets, stuffed dolls, wigs, and hats should be isolated, sealed, or bagged for 10 to 14 days. Hair wigs and helmets can also be placed in the freezer for approximately twelve hours to kill any lice effectively with a cold treatment.


Dry Clean Clothing

For clothing items that cannot be washed at home, consider taking them to a professional dry cleaner. Inform the cleaners about the presence of head lice in your clothing to ensure that they thoroughly clean and dry the garments at high heat, effectively removing any lingering lice.


Vacuum Your Car with Lice

Head lice can also be present in your car, especially due to frequent use and direct contact between passengers and car seats. To ensure a thorough cleaning, take your car to a car wash that offers vacuuming services. Use the vacuum cleaner on all surfaces, including cracks and crevices, to remove head lice and nits, thus ensuring your car is free from infestation.


Things to Consider When Removing Lice from Home

It’s important to note that head lice require a live host to survive. By following the cleaning tips mentioned above, any lingering lice in your home should perish within a few days. Before starting the lice removal process, make sure that all household members have undergone treatment and are free from lice.


If you need assistance in dealing with the head lice situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Call us today, and let us help you manage the head lice situation effectively.

Best Hairstyles to Prevent Head lice

If you’re a parent whose child has had head lice in the past, or if you’ve heard about recent cases of head lice in your child’s school, you may be wondering how to prevent an infestation. After checking in with us to get the all clear that your child is headlice free – you may want to try an easy method of prevention for when you go back to school: braiding. 

As head lice develop and establish themselves in the hair, some of the adult lice will seek out opportunities to move on and infest other heads. They’re looking for chances to crawl across, so leaving hair loose and flowing provides an ideal opportunity for them to do so.

Therefore, the hairstyle you choose can play a critical role in protecting your hair from head lice. A hairstyle that keeps hair back and away from the face and neck makes it much harder for lice to crawl across and up onto the scalp. By keeping your hair back, you can help to prevent head lice.

Braids are an excellent choice for preventing head lice. Head lice love flowing hair, so simply putting your hair in a ponytail isn’t enough if it’s thick or bushy, as it can still create opportunities for hair to touch hair. Braiding your hair or getting creative with your hairstyle can help to prevent head lice from infesting your hair.

Try a French braid (or 2), a fishtail braid, double dutch braids or a rope twist hairstyle! 

Remember, head lice aren’t inevitable. By choosing a hairstyle that keeps hair back and protected, such as braids, you can reduce the risk of infestation. If your child already has lice – you will want to schedule an appointment with us to become headlice free again! Schedule your appointment today by giving us a call! You can be lice free in under 60 minutes!

Can Adults Get Head Lice?

When you think about head lice, chances are that you probably picture a child being sent home by the school nurse. It is quite common for children to get head lice from time to time. However, many people do not think about getting head lice as an adult. Do adults even get head lice?

What is Head Lice?

Lice are tiny little insects that feed off of blood of their hosts. In people, lice attach themselves to hair and feed on blood. The most common type of louse is head lice, which tend to live on your scalp.

How Are Head Lice Transmitted?

To understand the likelihood of contracting head lice, it is important to get a sense of how head lice are transmitted from person to person. Specifically, head lice are transmitted from direct contact with someone who has head lice to someone that does not.

You must have contact with someone else’s hair in order to get head lice. This is because head lice only live on the head. They do not live on any other parts of the body. Children often are the ones to get head lice because they tend to have more contact with others through play.

This also means that there are a number of ways that you cannot get head lice. For example, you cannot get head lice from shaking hands or simply being in the same room with someone who has lice. This is because head lice cannot jump or fly.

Do Adults Get Head Lice?

Thus, this brings us to our overarching question – do adults get head lice? The simple answer to this question is yes. Adults can definitely get head lice. In fact, any person that has hair can contract head lice. However, it is not something that tends to be very common in adults.

There tends to be certain types of adults that are more likely to get head lice. Parents of small children are often at a higher risk as they can contract head lice from their children. Lice can spread fairly quickly with close contact. Thus, if a child brings home head lice from school, it can quickly spread through the family. Since moms tend to have longer hair than dads, they are the most likely parent to get lice.

Do Adults Without Children Get Lice?

It makes sense that parents can get head lice given that it is typically spread by children. However, it is worth asking whether adults without children can get it. The reality is that any adult who has hair can get head lice. However, it is incredibly rare for adults without children to get head lice.

One of the major reasons for this is that people typically do a good job of controlling head lice. Schools check for it in children and parents are typically very careful about completely stopping an outbreak. This also means there is far less head lice in the adult population. In some countries who are less careful about head lice, it can spread more in adults.

If you find yourself with head lice adults can receive the same treatment as kids. Just visit our local clinic at LCA Quad Cities. You can leave the clinic stress free with our signature treatments.

Family spending time together

How To Protect Your Family From Head Lice

Lice are tiny insects that live on human scalps and feed on human blood. They are a common problem in children and can be spread easily from one person to another. Lice are small insects that live on the scalps of humans. They are a nuisance and can be hard to get rid of. If you have lice, it is important to prevent them from spreading to your family.


How do lice spread?


They are most often found in the hair of the head but can also be found in other body hair, such as eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubic hair. Lice are spread through direct contact with someone who has them or by sharing contaminated items, such as hats, brushes, or towels.

Lice attach themselves to the hair shaft with their claws and feed on human blood through a hole in their mouth. The bite is usually not felt but can cause an itching sensation. Lice can lay eggs (nits) on the hair shaft, which hatch into nymphs (young lice). A nymph matures into an adult in about two weeks and lays its eggs.


What are the signs of lice?


Head lice are most commonly found in children aged 3-11. The most common symptom of head lice is itching of the scalp. It is caused by an allergic reaction to the saliva of the lice.


How can you prevent lice from spreading in your family?


First, everyone in your family should avoid sharing hats, brushes, or other personal items. If someone in your family does have lice, they should use a special shampoo and comb to get rid of them. Be sure to wash all bedding and clothing in hot water as well.


You can also help prevent lice by the regularly vacuum-cleaning upholstered furniture and car seats. Lice don’t like clean environments, so keeping your home clean is another good way to keep them away.


What should you do if someone in your family has lice?


If someone in your family has lice, the best thing to do is treat them immediately. There are a few different ways to do this, but the most important thing is to be thorough.


Start by washing the affected person’s bedding and clothing in hot water. It will kill any lice that are present. You should also vacuum any upholstered furniture that they have been using.


Next, you’ll need to treat the affected person’s hair. There are a few different ways to do this, but the most effective is to visit your local lice clinic or use an over-the-counter lice shampoo.


Once you’ve treated the affected person, you’ll need to take steps to prevent the lice from spreading to others in your family.


Lice are a common problem, but there are ways to prevent them from spreading in your family. If someone in your family has lice, treatments are available to get rid of them. You can contact your local lice clinic at Lice Clinics Quad Cities. With the proper treatment, you’ll be able to get rid of lice quickly so that you can get back to your regular routine. Contact us today!


Cleaning Up Your Childs Bedroom After Head Lice

When you find out someone if your household has head lice it can be an overwhelming experience. Not only do you have to figure out how to treat the infestation but clean up after it. Knowing your children have had head lice can cause a whole new variety of concerns when it comes to cleaning their rooms. Cleaning your child’s bedroom after head lice doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. 


Head Lice Facts


First off, it’s important to know the facts about head lice so you can be best prepared for them. Head lice do not jump or fly to new hosts but instead spread through direct head to head contact. This means having your children avoid putting their heads near each other or using each other’s accessories that come in close contact with the head can help prevent lice from spreading. Head lice can not survive long without a host either. This means head lice that is in your child’s bedroom cannot live long and you shouldn’t panic. 


What Should You Clean?


Knowing that lice are only transferred through direct contact can help you determine what to clean. To be on the cautious side we recommend the following 


  • Wash all clothing and bedding your child has used. Wash in hot water and dry on a hot cycle. The heat will help kill off any living lice.
  • Stuffed animals, pillows, and other items that cannot be washed easily can go in the dryer on high heat for at least 30 minutes.
  • Toys and hard plastic items like hair brushes can be boiled in hot water to kill off any remaining lice.
  • Mattresses, chairs, car seats, carpets, and sofas can be vacuumed. 
  • Other items that cannot be vacuumed or put in the dryer can be bagged in an airtight bag and left for 24-48 hours until lice die off. 


Getting Rid of Head Lice


Getting rid of lice in your home can be as simple as an easy home cleaning. Getting rid of head lice infestations in your family can be harder. Let the head lice professionals at your Lice Clinics Quad Cities help get you and your children lice free. We can give advice on lice clean up and remove any infestations without the use of harsh chemicals. Don’t let head lice overwhelm your family, let the lice experts at Lice Clinics Quad Cities remove lice, guaranteed today. 

bottles of peppermint oil with other care items on white background for preventing head lice

Does Peppermint Oil Kill or Prevent Lice?

bottles of peppermint oil with other care items on white background for preventing head lice

In most homes where lice have dominated, people want to know what can kill or prevent the lice from infesting their area. Unfortunately, killing lice can be challenging despite employing chemical and mechanical technologies. However, Peppermint oil can be a great deal in preventing a lice infestation.

Can Peppermint Oil Prevent Lice?

Peppermint oil is one of the substances utilized in lice prevention in homes. According to research, tea tree oil and peppermint oil act as effective repellents against head lice. However, it is good to keep it simple by using repellents made up of peppermint oil.

Regular application of peppermint extracts repels lice, minimizing the likelihood of contracting lice whenever interacting with an individual with an existing infestation. So grab your Peppermint repellent spray and ward off all lice in your surroundings.

Does Peppermint Oil Kill Lice?

If peppermint oil reduces the likelihood of contracting lice, can it kill lice? Sadly, the outcome is no. Although peppermint extract for lice is a useful strategy against lice infestation, it has not been proven to kill or eliminate lice in an area. This is a widespread myth, as many natural lice treatments use peppermint oil. However, peppermint oil is ineffective at killing living lice on the head.

Lice dislike the aroma of peppermint, hence its function as a repellent; however, peppermint is not harmful to lice. To kill lice, a substance must enter the breathing mechanism and remain there for long to strangle them. There are more effective alternatives to peppermint oil that can be used in killing lice.

Can You Use Peppermint Oil in Eradicating Lice eggs?

Peppermint oil for lice prevention cannot be effective in killing lice eggs. It is important to understand that peppermint oil for head lice does not deal with any active infestation of lice. The shell of lice eggs does not allow anything to penetrate to affect the unhatched nymph.

What is the Relationship between Peppermint oil and Tea Tree Oil for Lice?

There has been a misconception that a mixture of peppermint oil and tea tree oil for lice can effectively kill lice from your home. However, that is not the case. Due to the existing notion, many carrier oils have incorporated the mixture of peppermint oil and tea tree oil in their products to lubricate hair while eradicating lice from the head.

The only treatment that is 100 percent effective in eliminating lice is the removal of all live bugs and eggs from the hair. The secret to eliminating lice is the viscous carrier oil, not the scented oils. In addition, the combination of peppermint oil and tea tree oil may produce inflammation or other adverse responses to the scalp.

What Are the Precautions When Using Peppermint Oil for Lice Prevention?

Due to increased research on peppermint oil for lice prevention, there is a rising increase in the invention of sprays made up of peppermint oil. Therefore, be aware of any side effects such as inflammation or irritation if your spray is not properly produced. Peppermint oil is advisable for lice prevention and not killing the lice or the lice eggs. Therefore, you should contact your local lice clinic before using peppermint oil for proper treatment! Contact Lice Clinic Quad Cities today to receive an effective treatment to rid you of lice today.

Flat Ironing Hair

Do Hair Straighteners Kill Lice?

Do Hair Straighteners Kill Lice?


Flat Ironing Hair

There are lots of ideas on the internet on how to get rid of head lice at home. From mayonnaise hair masks to kerosene shampoo most of them don’t live up to the hype. We know that heat can be used to treat head lice but can you use a hair straightener to kill lice?


How Does Heat Kill Lice?


Heat can be effective at dehydrating and killing head lice and nits. Our premium device uses a safe temperature to dehydrate and kill lice without damaging your scalp or hair. The cool air creates a dry environment that lice can not survive in. Devices like hair dryers may seem like a good at home alternative to this, but they can be dangerous. Blow dryers operate at a much higher heat and air flow. This can cause damage to your scalp and hair, potentially burning you. We designed our device with safety in mind and a special shape to reach all lice.


Does a Hair Straightener Kill Lice?


Hair straighteners are another at home heated device that many turn to for head lice removal. Unfortunately, the heat from straighteners is limited to the device’s area. Like blow dryers the heat is too high to safely use without damaging your hair. Since straighteners can only heat a small portion of your hair at a time, they often miss a lot of lice. Lice can crawl away from the heat as the straightener moves. Nits that are close to the scalp may not be able to be reached with a straightener. This means they will soon hatch and cause another infestation. They are not worth the risk  or damage caused to hair. 


Be safe when removing head lice and visit the professionals at Lice Clinics Quad Cities. Our cool air device is designed for head lice and can safely remove your entire infestation.