Iowa City Specialists
Serving at Our Quad Cities Clinic
Residents of Iowa City in search of a one-and-done head lice treatment will be happy to learn of the Zyma Air Therapy system, a process that does not involve the use of head lice shampoo or any harsh chemicals. Serving the Quad Cities area, our clinic provides solutions that are safe and proven to work, so your children or teens can finally be rid of those pesky, itching pests for good. We understand the embarrassment and humiliation associated with these infestations. A single visit to our clinic will resolve the issue.
In the past, head lice treatment often involved repeated use of shampoos and harsh chemicals that could potentially be dangerous. Having to apply these products several times is a real hassle, one that is messy as well. No parent wants to see his/her child suffer the maddening itch of the scalp, ears, and neck. If you are searching for a non-chemical removal process that truly works, our solution is guaranteed! Lice and their eggs are effectively killed on the spot through the use of carefully-controlled cooled air. You will be happy to know that this process is completely painless and only takes 60-90 minutes. Please call to speak with a trained technician now.
Why is this still such a common (and growing) problem? Many believe it is due to today’s technologically advanced society, particularly the fact that so many children and teens take “selfies.” In many of these photos, heads are touching – thereby spreading eggs. No matter how your family contracted head lice, we provide safe solutions that do not involve chemicals or repeated applications. If you want to know how to get rid of lice once and for all, contact our clinic today. Our process is easy, safe, and guaranteed.