How Often Should You Check for Lice? Tips for Busy Parents

For busy parents, keeping up with daily responsibilities can feel like a juggling act, and adding head lice checks to the mix might not be top of mind. However, regular head checks can save you time, money, and stress by catching lice infestations early. Let’s explore how often you should check for lice and share practical tips to make it manageable, even for the busiest families.

Why Regular Lice Checks Matter

Head lice don’t discriminate — they can affect anyone, and early detection is key to preventing an infestation from spreading. Lice are tiny, but they reproduce quickly, so even a few missed nits can lead to a full-blown outbreak in a matter of weeks.

Routine checks allow you to:

  • Catch infestations early before they spread to other family members.
  • Avoid unnecessary treatments by confirming lice before acting.
  • Maintain peace of mind, especially during high-risk periods.

When Should You Check for Lice?

While there’s no one-size-fits-all schedule, here are some general guidelines for how often to perform lice checks:

  1. Weekly Routine Checks:
    • A quick check once a week is a great preventative measure, especially if your child is in school, daycare, or other group settings.
  2. After High-Risk Activities:
    • Conduct head checks after events like:
      • Sleepovers
      • School camps
      • Sports tournaments
      • Family vacation

These situations often involve close contact, increasing the chance of lice transmission.

  1. If You Notice Symptoms:
    • If your child is scratching their head more than usual or complaining of scalp irritation, inspect immediately for lice or nits.
  2. During Outbreaks:
    • When you receive a school or daycare notice about a lice outbreak, increase checks to every 2–3 days for about two weeks. This ensures you catch any lice before they have a chance to multiply.


How to Check for Lice Efficiently

Checking for lice doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Here’s how to do it quickly and effectively:

  1. Gather Supplies:
    • Use a fine-toothed lice comb, a bright light, and a magnifying glass if needed.
  2. Work in Sections:
    • Part the hair into small sections, working systematically to ensure you cover the entire scalp.
  3. Look for Signs:
    • Keep an eye out for tiny white or tan nits attached to the hair shaft near the scalp, as well as live lice crawling on the scalp.
  4. Be Gentle:
    • Keep the process calm and comfortable for your child. Distract younger kids with a favorite show or book.

Tips for Busy Parents

We know life is hectic, but lice checks don’t have to disrupt your routine. Here are some tips to make it easier:

  • Pair It With Bath Time: Incorporate checks into your child’s regular hygiene routine.
  • Use Technology: Set reminders on your phone to stay consistent with weekly checks.
  • Share the Responsibility: If you have a partner or older kids, take turns conducting checks.
  • Keep Supplies Handy: Store lice combs and magnifying tools in an accessible spot to save time.

What to Do If You Find Lice

If a lice check reveals an infestation, don’t panic. Here’s your next step:

  1. Treat Promptly: Seek professional treatment or use a trusted lice removal product.
  2. Inform Close Contacts: Notify your child’s school or daycare to prevent further spread.
  3. Recheck After Treatment: Conduct follow-up checks 7–10 days after treatment to ensure all lice and nits are gone.

Prevention Through Awareness

Routine lice checks are a small but powerful habit that can save your family from the stress of a full-blown infestation. By incorporating quick, regular inspections into your routine, you can stay ahead of lice and protect your family year-round.


Top 10 Ways NOT to Get Rid of Lice: Hilarious Myths and Misconceptions

Lice infestations are no laughing matter, but sometimes the methods people come up with to get rid of these pesky critters are downright hilarious. Here’s a list of the top 10 most ridiculous and ineffective lice removal methods we’ve heard of, sprinkled with a bit of humor and the correct information on how to truly tackle the problem.

1. Mayonnaise Madness

Myth: Slathering your hair in mayonnaise will suffocate the lice. 

Reality: While your hair might end up smelling like a deli sandwich, the lice will still be having a picnic of their own. Mayonnaise is better suited for your sandwich, not your scalp.

2. Vacuum Vexation

Myth: Using a vacuum cleaner to suck the lice out of your hair. 

Reality: This method might work on carpets, but your scalp isn’t exactly vacuum-friendly terrain. Plus, it’s not a good look for your hair, or your vacuum cleaner.

3. Duct Tape Disaster

Myth: Wrapping your head in duct tape will catch the lice.

Reality: This is more likely to result in an impromptu and painful head shave. Lice removal requires finesse, not brute force (or sticky situations).

4. Peanut Butter Predicament

Myth: Peanut butter can be used to remove lice. 

Reality: Your hair will be a sticky mess, and you might attract ants instead of repelling lice. Save the peanut butter for your toast.

5. Bleach Blunder

Myth: Applying bleach to your scalp will kill the lice. 

Reality: This method is dangerous and harmful to your skin and hair. It’s more likely to cause a trip to the ER than a lice-free head.

6. Hot Sauce Havoc

Myth: Dousing your hair in hot sauce will burn the lice away. 

Reality: This will leave you with a burning scalp and tears in your eyes. Lice might actually enjoy the spicy adventure. Stick to using hot sauce for your nachos.

7. Vinegar Victory

Myth: Vinegar will dissolve the lice and their eggs. 

Reality: Vinegar might loosen the glue that holds the nits, but it won’t kill them. Plus, you’ll smell like a pickle factory.

8. Kerosene Catastrophe

Myth: Using kerosene to kill lice. 

Reality: This is highly flammable and extremely dangerous. Unless you want to risk setting your hair (or house) on fire, avoid this method at all costs.

9. Hair Dryer Hilarity

Myth: Blasting lice with a hair dryer will incinerate them. 

Reality: Lice are pretty resilient to heat, and you’ll probably just end up with frizzy hair. A professional lice treatment is far more effective.

10. Shaving Solution

Myth: Shaving your head is the only guaranteed way to get rid of lice. 

Reality: While it’s true that lice need hair to survive, there are plenty of effective treatments that don’t involve drastic measures. Keep your hair and use a proven lice removal method instead.

The Right Way to Remove Lice

Now that we’ve had a good laugh, let’s get serious. Here are some effective ways to truly get rid of lice:

  1. Use a Professional Head Lice Lice Removal Company: Visit a professional lice removal service for effective and efficient treatment.
  2. Wash and Clean: Wash all bedding, clothing, and personal items in hot water to kill any lingering lice.
  3. Avoid Sharing Personal Items: Hats, combs, and hair accessories should not be shared to prevent the spread of lice.

Lice removal doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Stick to methods that are scientifically proven, and leave the myths behind. After all, your scalp deserves the best care, not the most absurd treatments!

Why Shaving Your Head Won’t Get Rid of Head Lice

Why Shaving Your Head Won’t Get Rid of Head Lice

Lice are tiny insects that live on the scalp and lay eggs. They are a nuisance, but they are not dangerous. Many people believe that shaving their head will get rid of lice, but this is not true. Lice can survive without a host for up to 48 hours, so even if you have your head, the lice will just come back.

Head lice can survive without a host for 48 hours.

Despite what you may have heard, shaving your head will not get rid of head lice. In fact, head lice can survive without a host for up to 48 hours. This means that they can easily reinfect someone who has shaved their head.

The best way to get rid of head lice is to use a special shampoo or cream rinse that is available over-the-counter or from your doctor. These products kill the lice and their eggs. You may need to use them more than once to make sure all the lice are gone.

Shaving your head will not kill all the lice eggs.

Lice eggs, also called nits, are small and oval shaped. They are usually found close to the scalp, but can sometimes be found further away. Nits are glued to the hair shaft with a substance that is secreted by the louse.

Shaving your head will not kill all the lice eggs because they are glued to the hair shaft. The best way to remove nits is to use a nit comb or your fingers to carefully remove them from the hair shaft.

Head lice are more common in children than adults.

While head lice are often thought of as a problem that only affects children, the reality is that they can affect anyone. Head lice are more common in children than adults because they are more likely to share personal items and have close contact with others.

There are a number of reasons why head lice are more common in children. First, kids are more likely to share personal items like hats, brushes, and hair ties. They also tend to have closer contact with each other, which makes it easier for head lice to spread. Finally, children’s heads are often the perfect size for head lice, which makes them an easy target. If you suspect you have head lice, it’s important to see a doctor or pharmacist right away.

Adults are more likely to get lice from children than vice versa.

While head lice are often thought of as a children’s problem, the reality is that adults are just as likely to get them. In fact, they may be even more likely to get them from children than vice versa.


There are a few reasons for this. First of all, children are much more likely to share hats, brushes, and other personal items with each other than adults are. They also tend to have closer contact with each other, making it easier for the lice to spread.

Another reason is those children’s scalps are usually much less oily than adults’, making it easier for the lice to attach themselves. And finally, children’s immune systems aren’t always fully developed, meaning they may not be able to fight off an infestation as easily as an adult can.

If you find yourself thinking of shaving your head to treat head lice, call your local lice experts at Lice Clinic Quad Cities instead! Contact us today!



pot of gold coins spilt on top of green packaging

Don’t Waste Your Pot of Gold on DIY Lice Treatments

pot of gold coins spilt on top of green packaging

It’s the time of year for leprechauns, rainbows, and pots of gold! We’re all excited to hunt for our pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but make sure you spend it wisely. Don’t waste your pot of gold on head lice treatments that don’t work like over the counter and DIY lice treatments.


The Cost of DIY Lice Treatments


DIY treatments may seem like the easy and cost-effective route, but they can add up quickly. These treatments require a variety of products and multiple treatments.


 – DIY Treatment Products and Shampoos: Average cost $45

 – Head Lice Combs: range from $7 to $45

 – Re-treatment: Average cost $45


Depending on the treatment you choose your cost may be even higher. The real cost comes when DIY options don’t work, and you end up at the professionals anyways, doubling your expenses.


Why to Avoid DIY Options


From head lice shampoos to age-old home tricks there are a lot of DIY lice treatment options. Some contain lice killing chemicals and others are simple household goods. The problem is the majority treat adult lice and do not rid you off nits. Nits, lice eggs, stick to the base of your hair and are difficult to remove. Unfortunately, if not removed they will hatch and cause a new infestation. This means needing to continue to retreat until you are lucky enough to catch lice at the right stage in their life cycle. This can raise your lice removal cost drastically.


Why Get a Professional Treatment


Our head lice technicians are trained professionals and have a lot of experience removing both head lice and nits. They use our signature lice treatment to kill lice fast and effectively. There are no harsh chemicals and our treatment is guaranteed! Get rid of lice and nits on the first try with our head lice experts!

woman intensely itching scalp with hand in hair

What Happens When You Leave Lice Untreated?

Most of us can’t imagine having lice any longer than it takes to treat, but we’ve all heard horror stories about untreated head lice. Leaving head lice untreated can have some serious consequences. 


Untreated Head Lice

Health Implications

Not treating head lice promptly can have many side effects beyond the itching. Lice survive by feeding off blood through their hosts’ scalps. This is what causes the itching but can also cause many other issues. Open bites from lice and marks from scratching can become infected and cause all kinds of health problems. If it goes on long enough the feeding lice can deplete the blood’s hemoglobin and cause serious implications.


Hair Loss

Extended head lice infestations can affect your hair. Not only can the buildup of nits, lice, and debris cause bacteria, but they can also damage hair. Lice eggs, nits, feed on keratin. This draws nourishment from your hair and can eventually cause severe damage. This and continued scratching can make hair brittle and prone to falling out. The consistent use of most over the counter head lice products can also cause hair damage and block hair follicles. 


Social Implications

Head lice have long been associated with a feeling of embarrassment. In reality head lice can affect anyone from any race, economic background, or age. While we know this, it doesn’t always keep those affected from feeling bad about their infestation. Depending on work and school policies it can also mean needing to take time off. Missing work or school for a short time can be frustrating but continued absence can jeopardize your job and education. That’s why we offer our exclusive one and done treatment to get you lice free on the first try.


Our friendly local clinic is here to help you get rid of your lice infestation on the first try. So, you can beat head lice right away and not have to worry about the implications of an extended infestation.